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Tutorial : Letak CCTV Dalam Blog
Isnin, 9 September 2013 • 11:15 PTG • 0 comments
harini Ain nak bagi tutorial 'Letak CCTV Dalam Blog' . Tutorial ni di-request oleh 

Okay yang 
Ain buat warna merah tu haa , itulah CCTV . Untuk mencantikkan blog je ;) Bukan betul. Okay kalau anda guna SIMPLE TEMPLATE, WASHED DENIM / DENIM, ikut tutorial ini oky?

1. Dashboard > Design/Layout > Add A Gadget > Html/JavaScript

2. Copy code kat bawah ni okay ;)
<div style="position: fixed; top: 0px; right: 0px;">
<center><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhmHIYcbex57W4Yl7b3-TVarM4RyP3-FEZVCQh1eKGeQy78ZssMdPwnRLIfLihVtV9Px9OTd8IhCppr00pAO-bdPGoj3oStRuoY4jaW7mR8Xt1YZ7EzmkcklFhqYyzQ3Ha_fQZDMNQtw90/s1600/cctv.gif"/></center></div>
3. Lepastu paste lah code kat atas ni dalam ruangan HTML / JAVASCRIPT. :)

4. Kalau korang nak sebelah kiri , tukar perkataan warna merah tu kepada 'left' okay?

DAH SIAP ! Save ;)

 Kalau korang guna BLOGSKIN / CLASSIC TEMPLATE , ikut tuto ni :
1. Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML

2. Tekan F3 dan tulis perkataan <html> dalam kotak carian tu ;) 
<div style="position: fixed; top: 0px; right: 0px;">

<center><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhmHIYcbex57W4Yl7b3-TVarM4RyP3-FEZVCQh1eKGeQy78ZssMdPwnRLIfLihVtV9Px9OTd8IhCppr00pAO-bdPGoj3oStRuoY4jaW7mR8Xt1YZ7EzmkcklFhqYyzQ3Ha_fQZDMNQtw90/s1600/cctv.gif"/></center></div> 

3.Kemudian copy kod di atas dan PASTE DI BAWAH <html> yang takdi tuu . Then,save!

 p/s; Macam takdi jugak , tukar perkataan right tu kpd 'left' kalau nak CCTV duduk sebelah kiri blog korang.

Dah :) Goodluck !x


silent reader(s)

Assalamualaikum to muslims who's reading this and willing to visit my blog. I hope you'll like my tutobies and this blog .You may leave your footprints at my cbox. Do follow me and In Shaa Allah i'll follow you guys back :)

URL blog not email.
Dont be a faker pls.
No harsh words here okay?


Copycats & Spammer, I will repote to the police station!